Internet access with pictures shot and posed to master comprehensive information!
2014-12-25Internet access with pictures shot and posed to master comprehensive information!
Now download mobile phone decoder software for our website information. The web page will automatically adjust to be mobile phone one for your easy access.
[QR code for Y.T.T.] [Download]
(How to install QR code Reader)
Q: How to download QR code Reader to my mobile phone without it?
A: Please select phone systems:
1. For iPhone series, search “i-nigma” from itune for free software download.
2. For Android series, search for QR code scanner from “market” for free software.
3. For other series, download from following websites:
3.1 To install mobile phones:
To connect a mobile phone to , or for free download. Net connection charges are required of.
3.2 To install computers, use , or (Chinese website), as per registration procedures, before transferring one to the mobile phone through devices of connection lines, Bluetooth, and infrared rays.
※QR code Reader of each website supports different mobile phones.